Removal of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) data from the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR)

All Schools

Following the reforms to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and changes to the administration and moderation of EYFS profile data, Ofsted has taken the decision that the EYFS profile will no longer be included in the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR).

This is in line with action taken by the Department of Education for their Analyse School Performance (ASP) products. As of Monday 6 June, the IDSR no longer contains EYFS profile data.

The DfE are seeking views on ASP, so they can better understand users’ needs. To this end, a survey is available on the ASP website; a link to this can be found at the very top of the page:


If you have any questions, please email the team at:


Francesca Falcini

SEYIS Data Manager