Pre-Election Guidance Reminder

Dear colleagues, 

I am writing to remind you that the pre-election period (purdah) will begin at 00:01 this coming Wednesday (23 March) and that special care, therefore, needs to be taken in relation to any communications to the public or events that feature or mention any elected member, candidates in the election, politicians or political groups.  

The relevant guidance is attached again for ease of reference, but if you feel there are any communications that will need to go out during the pre-election period or if there are any events that have to take place, please contact David Greely, Head of Communications in the first instance.   

If there are any other aspects of the guidance requiring further clarification or you have any concerns about any activities planned between now and the elections, please contact me or Melanie Dawson, the Deputy Monitoring Officer. 

Kind regards

Terry Osborne  

Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer