Safeguarding Briefing - 16th May 2022

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Safeguarding Briefing - 16th May 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Our CPD Online Site

We're currently having difficulties with our CPD online website which processes bookings. For some reason the security certificate won't renew properly. Our technical team are currently working on this. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

In the meantime, please email Chiara at and she will help with your bookings.

Healthy Relationships Resource Pack (Safelives)

In 2019, SafeLives gathered the voices and perspectives of men and boys aged 11 and over, asking them about abuse, masculinity and what a 'healthy' relationship looks like. Almost a third of respondents said they had demonstrated behaviour within a relationship that they regretted.

Professionals working with young people are in the unique position to support them to have healthy relationships during this critical window - before they harm or are harmed.

To do this, professionals need to feel confident starting conversations about relationships. Building on the research, SafeLives have developed a resource pack that practitioners could use to start conversations with young people about relationships and explore what healthy looks like.  

Access the resource pack here:

Hiring a Dance Teacher (DSSWG)

The Dance School Safeguarding Working Group has published the newly completed mini-guide to hiring a dance teacher either  for curriculum delivery or to run an after-school club.

Out-of-school dance schools and clubs are not regulated by any single organisation, so the DSSWG was created in 2020 to promote safeguarding in dance schools. The group has grown to over fifty members from across the dance industry, including dancers, dance teachers, safeguarding experts and those representing major dance associations.

Download 'Hiring a Dance Teacher here:

Festival Safety 

Soon, many older teenagers will be packing their pop-ups tents and wellies for a high-old time at the their first festival. For most, their weekend will be exciting and eventful. For others, it may be memorable for the wrong reasons. 

The Festival Safe website aims to help first-time festival (and hardened veterans) have a safe experience. Amongst other topics, the site includes a section on alcohol and other drugs, including:

  • Understanding The Law
  • General Harm Reduction Guide
  • Alcohol Harm Reduction Guide
  • Drugs Harm Reduction Guide
  • Drug Testing

Festival Safe can be found here:

School Visits 

Now that SATs are finished and we're heading towards the last half-term of the summer (or Term 6 for some of you), thoughts turn to outings, trips and residentials.

The Outdoor Education Advisers' Panel (OEAP) website includes all the national guidance for education out-of-school and includes guidance, activities, training and support for outdoor learning and educational visits.

Some of the specific guidance can be found here:

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Digiduck Stories (Childnet)

The five stories in the Digiduck series were created to help parents and teachers educate children aged 3–7 about online safety. The collection includes a ebooks, PDFs, a poster and an interactive app.

As well as the books, there is a Digiduck Activity Menu for educators, that can be found here:

Safeguarding.Pro Member Call

The next exclusive member call is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4.15pm. If you're not signed up, go here:

If you are not yet a member of Safeguarding.Pro, go here:

National Cyber Security Centre to re-run the audit of school cybersecurity (LGfL)

After the success of the 2019 Cybersecurity Schools Audit, in which schools participated from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England, LGfL is working with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC, part of GCHQ) to take a snapshot of the state of cybersecurity in all UK schools.

Can you help shape the UK's response to the threats schools face and help us equip you to meet your training needs? All we ask is for one member of each school to take five minutes to answer a few multiple choice questions.

The survey is live now at and open until the end of May. It will only take five minutes to complete but will help to inform shape and improve the UK's response to cyber security support in education. Make sure that schools like yours are fully represented by taking part!

Meanwhile, for an idea of how the data will be used, take a look at the two 2019 reports with the outcomes and recommendations for schools which were used to inform this NCSC cybersecurity training for school staff. 

Complete the survey here:

Deadline is Tuesday 31st May 2022

Forthcoming Events

Implementing the role of the Senior Mental Health Lead (DfE Course Code SMHL105)

This is our DfE Quality Assured course for Senior Mental Health Leads. The course is self-paced learning using the resources in our SMHL.Pro Hub. The course cost £397+VAT, some schools are eligible for a grant to cover this cost.

For more details, go to:

Advanced Safeguarding for DSLs

This is a four-session course for DSLs over a full-day. The course is offered live and as a recorded replay. When the course is live, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute with observations, questions or answers. As a recording, the interactions from other people are included and feedback notes that this makes it feel like you are not on your own.

"I came to a session in Birmingham back in 2019 (the day after the GE I think) and it was superb. Today [online] was just as good, if not better. The use of video mixed with live speaking was excellent and goes way beyond what other safeguarding courses provide. You've been there and done it, and your openness with your own story is inspirational." 


...and available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience BOOK NOW

LIVE ON LOCATION remember that you can book Andrew to visit your school, cluster or MAT to share his DSL course. Please contact us for details and bookings.

Whole School Safeguarding CPD Online Session

In this two and half hour online presentation aimed at staff in all roles, specialist safeguarding consultant, Andrew Hall, explores important aspects of safeguarding in schools including child protection, learning from case studies and the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

"I would like to extend my thanks to Andrew for his fantastic online training. It was filmed so well - almost as if he were here with us! We were kept engaged throughout and felt so well informed - a huge thank you. It was a real success, and we look forward to booking you again in the future - with the staff team saying it was the best safeguarding training they have ever had. We really appreciated Andrew's real-life storytelling and the way such sensitive information was shared - it was excellent training."

You book your online session here:


Until next time, keep safe and thank you for all the work you're doing,

Andrew Hall,

Specialist Safeguarding Consultant,
Success In Schools Ltd.