GRT Good Practice Network Meetings

Headteachers, Deputies, SENCOs, Inclusion Leads, Parent Support Officers.

In the summer term we had our first Gypsy Roma Traveller Good Practice Network and are keen to continue and grow this group. The flyer shows the dates for the virtual meetings this academic year and we hope to see as many schools present as possible.

Our first meeting will focus on attendance, and we are very lucky to have a school from Essex, who have a large Irish Traveller community, joining us to share some of their strategies. If you would like to attend, then please email so you can be added to the GRT contact list. Thank you.

In addition, the council is continuing to work with Doctors of the World  UK (DOTW) to support the GRT community in Enfield. DOTW UK is part of the network of NGOs linked to Medicine du Monde.  We are a CQC registered service providing health advocacy and acute healthcare. They have a mobile clinic which they are able to bring to a location and park. In the van they offer people a confidential space to gain information about their social needs – do they have a GP if not we would support them to register regardless of their immigration status, we can refer to Settled for support with immigration advice and also other organisations for support with benefits or housing.  They also have a nurse or GP on board so if the person is not registered with a GP and has a current urgent medical issue they are able to offer an assessment.  If you feel that this is something that would support the GRT families in your school community, then please contact Dani as below.



Dani Lang – Senior School Improvement Advisor for Safeguarding & Inclusion