School Climate Action Network 17th March 2022
All schools
The Enfield school climate action network has been meeting termly since March 2021. The network is an opportunity for teachers, business managers, senior leaders and governors to share their experiences and explore new ideas for taking climate action in their school.
Our next network event is taking place 3.30 – 5pm on Thursday 20th October. This will be a virtual event on Teams.
The theme for the event this term is reducing waste. We’ll be discussing the activities you can do in your school to encourage the 5 Rs: Refuse; Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle. We’ll also be talking about ways of getting school children involved in climate initiatives in their local community.
Book your place at the event on 20th October on the Enfield Professional Learning Portal:
If you would be interested in presenting to colleagues on the network about your school’s climate action, please get in touch with us at
Harriet Potemkin
Head of Strategy and Policy