Consultation - Draft Autism Strategy led by Enfield Council

For Headteachers and SENCOs


We are sharing the news of the current consultation of the Draft Autism Strategy that has been led by Enfield Council.

Enfield Autism Strategy | Enfield Council

This draft all age autism strategy sets out how we will work, as a partnership, to improve the lives of autistic people and their families and carers in Enfield. It enables us to meet the requirements of the National strategy for autistic children, young people and adults: 2021 to 2026   though understanding our local need, and integrating current provision and existing commitments. The draft strategy has been informed through discussion at our multi-agency working (Autism Partnership Group), SEND Partnership group, Joint Health and Social Care Board (JHSCB), colleagues and the Council staff Disability Working Group. It has also benefited from working with the staff and members of the Enfield One-to-One and Enfield National Autistic Society.

It identifies 7 priorities:

  • Celebrate and value the positive aspects of autism and the achievements of autistic people
  • Provide needs-based support
  • Enable fair access to education
  • Support more autistic people into employment
  • Recognise and combat isolation and loneliness
  • Provide inclusive mental health and wellbeing support
  • Improve support within the criminal and youth justice system

The consultation will run until Sunday 14 January 2024 and consists of an online survey (including an easy read version) in addition to gaining feedback through attending partnership meetings and service users events.

Please do cascade to your teams and share with your parents and carers.