Classroom Ready Resources including Lesson Plans Linked to your RE Syllabus

For all Primary Phases, Primary Headteachers & Primary RE Subject Leaders

One of the real issues that teachers have is interpreting the units in their RE syllabus, into accurate lesson plans.  To solve this increasingly complicated problem RE Today have launched a complete set of classroom ready resources, including 240 lesson plans, which are directly aligned to the units in your RE syllabus, from EYFS to year 6, there are 40 units in total and 6 lesson plans per unit.

This is of enormous benefit to primary school teachers as it will enable them to teach RE consistently across all their school, fully support new teachers and save hours of planning time.  The resources are accessed through NATRE school enhanced membership, and this is currently being subsided by RE Today.

RE Today are fully aware of the strains and limitations of school budgets and are continuing their £100 subsidy towards the cost of this membership package, this subsidy will end on 31st March 2024.  If this initiative is of interest, please directly email and you will be sent full details of this support package for your consideration.

Chris Hooper

Training and Development Director

RE Today Services I NATRE

Lucy Nutt

Head of School and Early Years Improvement