‘In the Know’ School Programme
For all Schools
NLWA wants to help your school reduce its waste (and carbon!) footprint
Calling all primary schools interested in reducing the waste produced on school site, improve the rubbish and recycling services, and work towards tackling waste, carbon emissions and the climate emergency: the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) has co-designed the In The Know: Waste Prevention Programme with north London primary schools to deliver on these.
From September 2024, the programme will involve pupil and staff engagement alike to educate and enable waste prevention behaviours inside the school and beyond. NLWA will also work closely with stakeholders to improve the internal communications and make enhancements to your waste and recycling services.
To find out more about the 2024/5 outreach programme, visit their webpage: 'In The Know' Primary Schools programme | NLWA
If you have any questions for NLWA, get in touch on WastePreventionTeam@NLWA.gov.uk and they will be happy to help!
Vishwanee Raghoonundun
Waste and Recycling