Schools Climate Action Network Summer Term Meeting

For all Schools

NEXT School’s Climate Action Network meeting: July 2nd 3:30pm-4:30pm

The SCAN’s summer term agenda includes:

  1. Intro – Enfield Climate Action Plan 2024 is now available
  2. Charlotte Milner, the School’s Climate Action Engagement officer at Brent Council was kind enough to accept my invitation to tell you about how she engages with schools in Brent. I think we’ll all be inspired and take some ideas going forward
  3. Jessica Lee from OakGarden will update on the Energy Monitoring pilot launched in 2022 with five schools
  4. Enfield Council’s Capital Delivery team will join us to update on projects in the pipeline on and find out how they can work with you to decarbonise school buildings and operations.

Please visit our Schools Climate Action Page  for more information on our service.