Kooth - June Newsletter

For all Primary & Secondary Schools 

Welcome to Kooth’s June newsletter for education professionals.  With exam season well under way and summer fast approaching, we wanted to let you know how Kooth can support students over the coming months.

‘Go Somewhere Good’ this summer - Coming soon!

For some young people, the extended hours of isolation over the summer holiday can mean retreating into phones - and getting advice and ideas from worrying places. 

Kooth’s mission is to help young people go somewhere good this summer and we’re launching a new campaign #GoSomewhereGood.

We’ve asked hundreds of young people where they go or what they like doing to feel good, and will be sharing the highlights on our website. We want to inspire young people with ideas of good places and things to do over the summer that don’t cost anything, will boost their mental wellbeing and encourage them to spend less time on their phone. 

And if they decide to get involved and vote for their favourite idea, they could win a prize! We’re giving away a prize each day for 50 days. Anything from a hoodie, skateboard, sunglasses, frisbee or book voucher!

The Go Somewhere Good campaign launches on 24th June - here’s how you can get involved:

  • Book an in-person year group assembly - let us know what date you would like me to visit by completing this form.

  • Book onto one of our live webinars about Kooth with summer inspiration, which you can stream direct into classrooms in early July                                  

  • Book KoothKlass webinar: go somewhere good this summer

  • Use our Discussion guide to explore ideas to boost wellbeing and online safety over the summer with students during tutor/form time or in a PSHE/RSHE class

And finally, please just encourage your students to get involved by displaying our GoSomewhereGood poster on your noticeboards

Support for students transitioning to secondary school of College

This month we’ll be live streaming sessions for years 6,11 and 13 around transitioning to secondary, leaving secondary and managing change respectively:

Book KoothKlass webinar: Year 6 secondary transition

Book KoothKlass webinar: Year 11 leaving secondary 

Book KoothKlass webinar: Year 13 managing change

Kooth Sign Up Sessions for Students

We will be live streaming Sign Up Sessions for Secondary Schools across London in the month of July. To sign up your establishment, fill out the form below:

Book Secondary Sign up Session here

Exam Stress Support for Parents

As many young people continue with their exams this term, we have a recorded webinar that you can share with parents/carers with some top tips to support their children during these final few weeks.

Supporting Young Men’s Mental Health

For Male Mental Health Week, 10th - 16th June, we are providing a mental health KoothKlass webinar specially for boys and young men in secondary schools and colleges: 

Book KoothKlass webinar: Male Mental Health

Pride Month

June is also Pride Month. We have a range of Pride resources you can share on you social media or print and display on notice boards. We are also offering KoothTalks training sessions for education professionals on why support for diverse and seldom heard students is more important than ever, which will include ways to support young people with a range of diverse identities.

Book your place on KoothTalks training webinar: Diverse Identities

We want to hear from you!

We’d love to get your feedback on our monthly newsletters and how we can improve them to suit your needs - please complete our short survey to share your thoughts.

Know a young person who’s loved Kooth? Have you had a Kooth engagement delivered in your setting recently via our Engagement Team? Why not let others know!

If you know a child or young person who has had a great experience on Kooth or recently had a digital or in- person engagement delivered by one of our Engagement Leads, why not let others know about it. 

By leaving a review, you can:

  • Let other parents, carers, teachers, and mental health professionals know where they can signpost children and young people to if they’re struggling with their mental health and wellbeing.

  • Share what they’ve found especially helpful on the Kooth site, or the features you like the sound of (whether it’s journals, peer support, goal settings, articles, activities, weekly chats or something else entirely).

  •  Make someone’s day by giving a shout out to one of the Kooth team!

Share your review

*Please note, you need to be 18 and over to leave a review and we would ask you not to share Kooth usernames or specific details to ensure anonymity of Kooth users

Ayesha Uddin

Kooth - Engagement Lead
