Perspective Lite Update: Introducing a New Useful Websites Resource Page

For all Primary and Secondary Headteachers and Data Managers

We are excited to announce a new Perspective Lite update, introducing the Useful Websites page to provide you with an even better experience when using Perspective Lite. We know that running a school involves many things you need to remember or note. So, we created a page dedicated to useful resources you may need.

So, whether you need to get the latest stats from the DfE or check Ofsted's Parent View, you can do so without needing to Google search for the correct links. 

Login now and enjoy your latest update.

Please remember ALL Headteachers have a Perspective Lite User Account automatically set up.

If anyone has any issues accessing their account please contact us by sending an email to or


Many thanks

Francesca Falcini

School and Early Years Data Manager

School and Early Years Improvement Service – Education