Early Years Professional Learning Package

All costings and course/workshops content can be viewed by clicking here Early Years | Enfield Council
The Early Years Professional Learning Training offer has been developed by the Early Years Team in response to training needs identified by schools, providers and through local knowledge, Ofsted trends and EYFSP data. The cost-effective training sessions and workshops have been designed to support teachers and practitioners to develop and broaden their knowledge and understanding of effective pedagogy and practice in the early years.
All programmes are led by experts in early years from Enfield and nationally recognised training providers.
The EY training and workshops includes some of the following topics:
- Child Protection and Prevent Duty
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- British Values
- Speech and Language Early Talk Boost
- Physical development
- Understanding the World
- Literacy
- Maths
- Expressive arts and design
- Understanding the EYFS
- Enabling Environments
- Ofsted in the Early Years
All courses and workshops are priced individually.
All costings and course/workshops content can be viewed by clicking here