Energy Management

The Energy Management Team provides a professional, customer focused service committed to delivering value for money energy (gas and electricity) contracts at a time of rising prices and constrained budgets.
We offer the following service:
Energy Contract Procurement
This includes:
Arranging risk managed, flexible, long-term, benchmarked, value for money energy & water contracts
Carrying out regular reviews of best value approach
Attending regular workshops to evaluate and improve supplier and buying agency performance
Providing expert procurement advice and support
Providing advance notification of new tenders, contract renewal and price changes
Ensuring compliance with EU, national and statutory regulations
Enfield are committed to purchasing through LASER’s (Local Authorities South East Region Energy Ltd part of Kent County council) which enables LASER to purchase energy well in advance of the delivery period. Energy is purchased in small chunks to build up to the required volume prior to the contract start, this allows LASER to monitor the energy markets daily and avoid purchasing at high prices.
This flexible procurement strategy allows LASER to mitigate against these spikes in the market and in turn looks to deliver a better than average price for each year of the contract.
Gas & Electricity - 2025/2026
Gas & Elecricity Service
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Gas Only - 2025/2026
For Gas only
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