Information for Headteachers & DT’s for LAC & PLAC 2021-2022

All Schools / All Phases - Head Teachers and Designated Teachers for LAC & PLAC

Please find important documents and information to inform your work with Looked After and Previously Looked After Children this academic year. 


Please ensure that you have identified all of your PLAC who have left care with an SGO, Adoption Order or Child Arrangement order in England or Wales, in time for the October Census (previously this was the January Census).  A template letter that you might like to send to your pupils, add to newsletters/admissions packs so that you can claim the £2345 for PLAC pupils is attached to this email.  A reminder that guardians should be consulted in regards to how PP+ spending is used and that it should be used to fund interventions to meet the needs of your PLAC cohort.

Statutory Designated Teacher training

All DT’s must attend the statutory training every 2 years.  This year’s full day training will take place on Wednesday 24th November 2021 at Forty Hall.   More information will follow shortly.

Promoting the Education of Children with a Social Worker

Children with a Social Worker i.e. CIN and CP (excluding LAC) have the poorest outcomes out of all Social Care groups.  In recognition of this, the DfE have placed an additional non statutory responsibility on Virtual School Headteachers to provide ‘strategic leadership’ to promote the educational outcomes of this group.  An additional post within the Virtual School has been developed to undertake this role and will be filled shortly.  Please see below link to the guidance for more information

International Adoptions

Recent updates to Admissions & ASF guidance means that children adopted from care outside of England and Wales now also benefit from the highest priority school admission and access to ASF support (where needed).  State care is defined by the DfE as “in the care of or were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation, or any other provider of care whose sole or main purpose is to benefit society”.


LAC – Last academic year saw an increase in the fixed term exclusion for Enfield LAC.  Should you be concerned that an Enfield LAC is at risk of exclusion please contact Enfield Virtual School to discuss your concerns.  You are reminded that both the Social Worker and the Virtual School must be contacted regarding the exclusion of any Enfield LAC.

PLAC – A number of PLAC will be supported by a Social Worker.  It is important that should you become concerned that a PLAC is at risk of exclusion you contact the child’s Social Worker (if they have one) and the Virtual School (with parental consent).


Many schools were contacted last term regarding the SLCN screening of Enfield LAC using the Progression Tool (we have found that other screening tools frequently miss the more subtle SLCN of LAC).   Schools will be contacted again shortly to collect the results of those SLCN screens not already returned.  New in care LAC will also need to be screened using the Progression Tools to support us with identifying any SLCN at the earliest opportunity. 

PAC UK Education Advice Line provides support to professionals and carers of PLAC children on general strategies and interventions free of charge.  In addition they can provide in-depth consultation with an PAC UK Educational Psychologist, at a cost of £49 per half hour or £99 per hour (PLAC PP+ could be used to fund this).  You can contact them on 020 7284 5879 (Thursdays 10-12) or email your query to  More information can be found at

Please find attached additional information to inform your work with looked after and previously looked after children.

  • PPG Policy 2021-22 - Outlining PPG payment and usage for LAC for the new academic year
  • Exclusions Policy for LAC
  • Information on PEP’s
  • Academic Interventions Map -  Outlines the additional academic interventions put in place by the Virtual School for LAC
  • Legal Terminology - Summaries the terminology used regarding the placement of LAC and PLAC children.
  • PLAC Model letter– Now may be a good time to send the model letter to new pupils (or add to you induction packs) requesting that carers inform you of their child being PLAC so that school can claim their pupil premium plus.
  • Permanence Education Officer poster  - Can be put up around parent areas of Enfield schools, added to newsletters, provided to carers of PLAC or used by professionals who might benefit from advice and guidance
  • Pamphlets on support available for PLAC from PAC UK, CORAM and Adopt London – outlining information on supporting PLAC in schools, use for PP+, support for families etc.