11.11.22 - Message from Peter Nathan - Director of Education
FAO: All Schools / All Phases
Dear Headteacher/Principal,
I hope term is progressing well. I am writing with quite a number of updates.
i) Attendance and EWS – Please note that there is a new expectation that schools should have an Attendance Policy on their website. Also find attached a flyer advertising some workshops being run by the EWS on a range of sessions including correct coding, CME, penalty notices and good practice sharing.
ii) SACRE Agreed Syllabus - The new syllabus will need to be fully implemented from September 2023. A soft launch and training for RE leads will be held on the 19th January 2023 at Bishop’s Stopford. This will allow staff and schools time to start working towards full implementation. We are using Enfield expertise for some of the units of work, and it will retain its unique Enfield flavour. Please sign up here: https://traded.enfield.gov.uk/thehub/professional-learning-portal/teaching-learning/agreed-syllabus-for-religious-education-in-enfield
iii) School Finances and schools in a deficit position - As I noted in my last message, there is considerable concern being expressed by headteachers and by many involved in education about school’s budgets this year and next year (23/24). Most Enfield schools have had budget increases of only up to 3% with some schools receiving no increase. Because of the increasing number of non-academy schools expecting to move close to or into a deficit position, the local authority through Schools Forum will be looking to amend its policy and practice relating to schools in deficit with more of a focus on schools with a deficit of over 5% of their schools budgets.
iv) Training to support vulnerable girls – The VRU (Violence Reduction Unit) have funded “Ashiana and Tender” to work with a number of schools/colleges across London and they are inviting schools to contact them if they wish to be involved in their training programme. This focuses on building capacity to identify and support vulnerable girls at risk in terms of abuse, sexual violence etc. Please see the flyer attached.
V) Crystal Vardo – Gypsy Roma Traveller event – (Flyer attached) We are delighted to announce that Enfield are presenting Crystal’s Vardo at The Living Room Library Fore Street over 2 days and we welcome bookings from schools for attendance at this magical and informative event. Please see link below for more information and to book please email- grt@enfield.gov.uk giving the school name, the number of places for pupils and adults and your preferred time slot. Crystal's Vardo tells the extraordinary story of a young Romany Gypsy girl as she goes on a journey to learn more about the rich culture and heritage of her ancestors. Experience a tale of 1,200 years in 1 hour. There are 4 performances running over Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 November 2022. We are welcoming children and families of all ages (KS2 advised) to the two afternoon shows and the morning show .We also welcome everyone to join the public event on Tuesday 22 November from 5pm so GRT Leads, Headteachers and other school community members are invited so please advertise as you feel best within your school.
vi) Boys Achievement Project – As reported previously, an analysis of the data from school SATs and GCSE results indicate strongly that the achievement of boys is a concern. At the Enfield Learning Excellence Partnership Board it was agreed to engage Mark Phillips former HMI to work with Enfield to address this issue and also identify and share good practice.
We shall be holding a meeting at 10 - 11 am on the 17th January as an introduction session for this project. Schools will be asked to express an interest in being part of the project after that meeting. You can sign up here: https://traded.enfield.gov.uk/thehub/professional-learning-portal/leadership/boy-s-achievement-project-information-session
vii) Central Services Costs (traded) – As you may be aware, inflation costs are also impacting on council services particularly in terms of salary increases and other costs. This is likely to mean that there will cost increases to services whilst of course endeavouring to keep costs and price rises to a minimum.
I very much hope the rest of the term goes well in the run up to the festive period despite the challenging times being faced by all.
Best wishes
Peter Nathan
Director of Education
People Department
Enfield Council