Multi Agency Training - Places still Available
FAO: All Schools & Academies
We have a number of excellent training sessions running over the next few weeks which still have places available, please see list below.
If you are interested in attending any of these please complete the link below or email me directly and I will add you to the attendee list. Please also disseminate to any staff who you feel would be interested.
Training Application Form | Safeguarding Enfield
I have attached a word document which gives a brief overview of each session.
- Prevent Training – Thursday 26th January 2023, 2pm-3pm.
- Forced Marriage/Honour Based Violence – Tuesday 31st January 2023, 9:30am-1pm.
- Prevent Training – Thursday 02nd February 2023, 10:15am – 11:30am.
- Managing Allegations Against Staff & Volunteers – Wednesday 22nd February 2023, 3pm-4pm.
- Forced Marriage/Honour Based Violence – Tuesday 28th February 2023, 9:30am – 1pm.
- Substance Misuse & Hidden Harm – Thursday 16th March 2023, 10am – 1pm.
- Missing Children – Thursday 23rd March 2023, 10am – 11:30am.
Bharat Ayer
Safeguarding Service Manager