GRT Good Practice Network Meeting – 18th May 2pm-3pm

FAO: Headteachers, Deputies, SENCOs, Inclusion Leads, Parent Support Officers.

There are 300,000 Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) people in the UK - that’s 1 in every 200 people. In the summer term 2022, we had our first GRT Good Practice Network meeting and are keen to continue and grow this group to support families in Enfield.

Our May meeting will focus on GRT History month in June. If you would like to attend, then please email so you can be added to the GRT contact list. Thank you.

We are encouraging all schools to take the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters' Pledge for Schools (PDF). It is simple to do and a excellent way to show your schools commitment and the wonderful work you are doing.

Dani Lang – Senior School Improvement Advisor for Safeguarding & Inclusion