Participation of Young People in Education or Training

For all Secondary Headteachers, Career Leads, Pastoral Staff, Heads of Year 11 and Sixth Form

Annual Activity Survey

The Participation and Inclusion team recently conducted the Annual Activity Survey which is a DFE requirement.

The purpose was to gather and report to the DFE the post 16 destination of all Year 11 learners who completed compulsory education in July 2024.

The report for the borough is attached, and it provides valuable insights on the range of Post 16 choices made by the previous year 11 learners. The key headlines are:

• An impressive 97.25% of Year 11 leavers are participating in education or training, marking a growth of 0.65% compared to the previous year.

• 61.4% of those continuing their education have chosen to study within the borough, while 38.6% opted for institutions outside the borough. This reflects the strength of local post 16 opportunities.

A big thanks to all secondary schools for their invaluable support in gathering the data.

Action: The report for all secondary schools will be available by the end of March 2025. Next Steps Data Verification: This process will begin in March 2025, focusing on reconfirming the details of the current Year 11 learners on our database. The final dataset will be submitted to the DFE on 30th May 2025. It will form the basis of the Activity Survey for the current Year 11 cohort in the autumn term.

Action: By the end of April 2025, all schools will be provided with a list of their current year 11 learners on our database for verification. No changes will be allowed after the end of the verification process, i.e. 30th May 2025.

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Pamela Odukoya

Participation and Inclusion Manager